Saturday, September 22, 2007

People you would like to meet in your lifetime

So my husband and I have a game we like to play every now and then, usually when some wonderful author or other public personality dies. It's a very simple game--it's just a list of people (in our case, mostly authors) we would like to meet. And it can't include people like Jane Austen, who died long before we were ever born, much as many of us fantasize about meeting her. And of course, Madeleine L'Engle just died, which prompted another round of the game. Here's our latest list of people we really regret not having made an effort to meet them while they were alive:
  • Madeleine L'Engle
  • Penelope Fitzgerald
  • Douglas Adams
  • Richard Feynman
  • Walker Percy
  • Shelby Foote

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